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Katharina Ronja Brusa

Female Actor | based in Germany



Raised in a quaint village in eastern Switzerland by a family full of artists, puppeteers, and innovators, I was immersed in an eclectic, artistic environment from a young age. This exposure taught me the power of storytelling and its ability to reveal the depths of the human experience, nurturing my first love, jazz singing, and laying the foundation for my broader artistic pursuits.

At 16, I moved to Geneva to master French, embarking on a path that would take me around the world. I explored Australia's outback in an old van, refined my dance skills in New York City, and received formal drama training in Hamburg. My commitment to screen acting was cemented while working with esteemed coaches from LA and across Europe, where I honed my camera acting techniques.

My approach to acting is deeply personal and continually evolving. Each role offers a unique opportunity to see the world through another's eyes and to live another life, bringing sincerity and depth to my performances. I am drawn to projects that challenge and inspire, aiming to contribute to narratives that not only entertain but also deepen our understanding of one another. Every role is a new voyage, an invitation to explore and share in our collective human experiences, all rooted in the humble beginnings of my artistic journey.






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